Long Rake Spar Co Ltd recognises that the maintenance of quality standards in all activities is the key to our success and reputation. The company is therefore committed to a policy to provide a service which fulfils the requirements and expectations of our customers in all ways and also where necessary meets with regulatory requirements.
In order to achieve this commitment, a documented quality management system which meets the requirements of BS EN ISO 9001:2015 has been established in which the Managing Director is responsible for determining measurable objectives for customer satisfaction and the aspirations of the company.
The company aims to ensure:
- That trained and competent personnel are available, focusing at all times on customers’ needs and expectations.
- That a high quality of service is given providing optimum value to the customer commensurate with cost.
- There is a consistent approach towards public and customer safety, as well as the safety of all staff members.
- That legislative and regulatory requirements are always complied with.
- That processes are performed in a cost effective manner.
- That there is continual improvement against well-defined measurements, using best practices and learning from feedback from customer surveys.
The system operates from the receipt of an enquiry to completion of the project involving a series of processes which are operated within the business. Appropriate indicators of performance of these processes are used to identify potential improvements in the company’s capability and capacity.
The processes and practices are described in a Quality Manual, together with other documents which are adhered to by all employees. Objective evidence is provided to demonstrate that the system is maintained and that the processes are being effectively operated.
The company provides training and has established systems to assist all personnel to achieve required standards for their work. All employees are made aware of this policy and its objectives and are committed to its implementation.
The system is maintained by ongoing verification activities together with appropriate training and education of those involved. The company continually improves the effectiveness of the quality management system and the objectives are appraised at regular management reviews, at which this policy is examined for continued suitability.
Trevor Broadhurst, Managing Director